Reducing Recidivism Through Reentry Programs

6 March 2023
, Blog

One of the major influences on recidivism is what happens to incarcerated people after they are released. Using a consulting firm to design reentry tools can help people have some stability after release and reduce recidivism. Drug Treatment Releasing people directly to the street when they have a drug problem is a revolving door. Since incarcerated people are usually clean of drugs and alcohol after they have spent a considerable amount of time incarcerated, this is the ideal time for them to enter a treatment program.
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3 Problems A Home Inspector Could Help You Identify When Buying A Home

3 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Everyone wants to own a beautiful home, more so one with an enviable kitchen, a built-in spa, and a sprawling garden. You actually get excited when you find one and even get ready to buy it before someone else buys it. However, you must be careful because excitement can sometimes make you overlook some critical aspects of the buying process. Even as you organize your finances and prepare to meet the seller, you should plan to hire a home inspector to inspect it.
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About Me
Choosing An Incredible Consulting Firm

I've always been one of those people who isn't great at taking advice, which is probably one of the reasons my business started having trouble in the first place. After being in business for twenty years or so, I could tell that my ship was sinking fast, so I started talking with other people about what I could do to calm things down. Within a few days, I found a consultant who really understood the intricacies of business, and they helped me to get on my feet. This blog is all about choosing a great consulting firm that can help you to improve your company.
